Tuesday 26 February 2013

If you read the blog description then you’ll know that this blog is not for the faint of heart (neither is for those that are sensitive). So as an introduction (and also to pop this blog’s cherry) the maiden entry is as follows *drumroll*

Reasons why I have an aversion to Uncircumcised penises:
  • They don’t look as pretty as circumcised penises.                                                

 (Uncircumcised penises aren't called “Anteaters” for nothing.) 

            • On Sharpeis, extra skin is immensely adorable; on grown men, extra skin is a shameful waste. 

(If only all the extra dick skin was actually extra dick!!!)

  • Penises with natural Willy-Warmers hardly ever smell like 'regular dicks'; it's usually a toss-up between an unnatural soap-like scent or something else entirely unsavoury

       which then brings us to:

  • Foreskin Feta. Also known as Dick Cheese. The less said about this the better.

  •  Owners of uncircumcised penises tend to be touchy about the current topic which then makes them grouchy...  

and we ALL know that grouchiness is the number one cause of Dry Vag Syndrome               

  • Foreskin makes a blowjob that much more of a job...... 

  • Post-coital clean up isn't as much fun!                                                                        

Having said all of this, there are:

Ways in which uncircumcised men redeem themselves

1. They try harder... in bed. (do you blame them?)   

2. Those that don't try harder, don't need to... they're already so adept at their skill. (And they're also well-hung apparently) 

Although be advised, these men are as rare as the proverbial unicorn...

3. Psych!!! Lets be honest, did we really believe that there were going to be more than two points on this list? 
Sorry, but that's not the case.

Let me end of by saying, if you have a hoodie on your winkie, I hope you were able to see the humour in this post. And don't feel too bad about the foreskin, there are some people out there who'll accept anything!
if you did get that oh-so-crucial snip, well... cheers to you, your parents, and all those who don't have to deal with Cock Sock.

Ciao! :)

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